Former Spyns Clients: Anne Winner & Family

Background: Anne and family joined our 2009 Pamplona trip to Run with the Bulls. We don't just offer Spyns Tour de France trips but also offer cycling tours to Spain for via our dedicated website Anyhow, Anne was kind enough to send us the following note yesterday:

Word for Word: "How nice to hear from you! I'm attaching a few photos Lang took during our brief stay in Pamplona which you're welcome to use if you like any of them. We can't stop talking about our trip and Sam and Lang are still so exhilarated by the experience that they want to return to Pamplona and bring Sam's dad with them. All of us wish you good fortune and happiness, and hope we meet again. Until then, vaya con Dios."

Anne's testimonial: "We could not have done it without you. It was great having you tailor something for our specific and limited needs for a wonderful three days in Pamplona. Your guides were kind, interesting and obviously love what they do. You provided awesome service and were worth every penny."

Having a former Spyns client like Anne made my day so I immediately posted her comments. Thanks Anne and I hope to see the boys next year in Pamplona!