"You Should Create a Slideshow of Former Clients on your Testimonials Page"

Just took a call from Lisa M. in Alabama who suggested we place a slideshow of former Spyns clients on the website along with their comments. I thought it was a great idea so we'll have it up this week. Until then, I'm more than happy to post a few former Spyns client client shots with their bons mots.

Bill & Jayne DuVall
"Awesome trip dude! Loved the mekkno music [this refers to an inside joke during the tour about the music in Paris' famous Buddha bar.] But seriously, we had a fab time. Loved the variety of the regions, First cycling day was the BEST. Everything very picturesque. Also enjoyed your company; you've got it all..brains, beauty, and personality. Until next time..."

Ryan's comment: Bill & Jayne are wonderful people and I can't wait for them to return. I love to joke around on tour although some clients don't always understand my sense of humour. Jayne was so in love with her iPhone that I started calling her iJayne. She loved it and now routinely refers to herself as iJayne when we email back in forth. If Jayne spoke French, I'd hire her in a second as a guide.

Ankur & Cindy Talwar
"Dear Ryan, How to best say thanks and tell you what this trip has meant? Words usually fail, but please know that will truly treasure memories of our tour with you and our group. Your light-hearted, crazy, funny way hides a maestro's touch. We thank you for the absolutely wonderful places to stay ("real" touches of France), the food & wine (which we will long remember) and the rare opportunities to see "one in a lifetime" sights."

Ryan's comment: Ankur and Cindy make me proud to be Canadian. I cannot top what Cindy wrote, in fact it almost brought me to tears, but I can write that she helped me understand what our tours are like for light riders or non-riders. We spent some long hours together in the van and she was so helpful in making suggestions as to what activities we should offer for our light riders or non-riders. Ankur was no slouch either. Nursing an injured wrist, he couldn't help but ride Mt Ventoux but paid the price for perhaps riding too soon after surgery. But he never complained even once. A wonderful couple and I hope they travel with us again.