Spyns Tour de France Former Client Testimonials and Reviews: Continued

Ed & Catie Rood
"Our trip was perfect! The back up plan was always better than the original itinerary. Truly remarkable."

Ryan's Comments: Ed & Catie are truly remarkable people. These newlyweds are a testament that love isn't just for 20-somethings. If I remember correctly, these former Spyns clients are both divorced, became close friends, and then fell deeply in love. On the trip there were like a couple of love-struck teenagers. It's always a pleasure to be around people who generally love eachother. I remember something Ed said over a gourmet dinner in Provence while on tour. It was something along the lines of, "The most important time of each day for me is 3:30." Everybody asked why of course and, grinning ear to ear, he said, "That's when I pick up my stepson from gradeschool." A recently-retired Ed was more than happy to be Mr. Mom for the family. Wonderful people.

Glenn & Kathryn Gray
"A truly memorable trip. The food, hotels, and service were outstanding. We're still laughing about dinner at the Eiffel Tower. Can't wait to do another trip."

Ryan's Comments: Glenn & Kathryn represent the very best of California. They're athletic, attractive, and exude that endless West Coast optimism. Having them on a trip is like having a little bit of Californian sunshine. They've now done 3 trips with us and I always look forward to seeing them on tour again...regardless of the destination.